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1. what is the end behavior of the exponetial function f(x)=3/2*(4/5)^x?

2. use a graph to determine if the exponential function g(x)=-6*5^x is positive or negative and increasing or decreasing

nunya is correct except number one is b

The answers for Lesson 7: Graphing Exponential Functions

27.0990002 Algebra 1 B (EOC 20) Unit 2: Exponents and Exponential Functions are
1. c

Aaron is correct, number 1 is b, everything else nunya got correct


U guys are right it is

for gaca students trust me i did it and did not listen to them and got 4/6 so trust me it is right!

gaca student is 100% correct

Can you check my answers

1. what is the end behavior of the exponetial function f(x)=3/2*(4/5)^x?
2. use a graph to determine if the exponential function g(x)=-6*5^x is positive or negative and increasing or decreasing

2. use a graph to determine if the exponential function g(x)=-6*5^x is positive or negative and increasing or decreasing


Thanks guys!

1. To determine the end behavior of an exponential function, you need to look at the exponential base and the sign of the coefficient.

- In the given function f(x) = (3/2) * (4/5)^x, the base is (4/5). When the absolute value of the base is less than 1, the exponential function decays or approaches zero as x approaches positive or negative infinity. So in this case, the end behavior of the function is that it approaches zero as x approaches positive or negative infinity.

2. To determine whether an exponential function is positive or negative and increasing or decreasing, you can utilize a graph.

- For the given function g(x) = -6 * 5^x, you can plot the points on a coordinate plane by selecting a few values of x and calculating the corresponding values of y. For example, when x = 0, y = -6 * 5^0 = -6. When x = 1, y = -6 * 5^1 = -30. You can continue this process to obtain more points.

- After plotting these points, you can observe the behavior of the function.

- If all the y-values are positive, then the function is positive. If all the y-values are negative, then the function is negative. If there is a mixture of positive and negative y-values, then the function is neither positive nor negative.

- If the y-values are increasing as x increases, then the function is increasing. If the y-values are decreasing as x increases, then the function is decreasing.

- By analyzing the plotted points, you can determine the sign and behavior of the function g(x).

consider (4/5)^x

For positive x's
as x becomes larger , (4/5)^x gets smaller,
e.g. (4/5)^25 = .003777893...
as x gets smaller, (4/5)^x approaches 1
e.g. (4/5)^(.000025) = .9999994421...

for negative x's
as x becomes more negative
(4/5)^x gets larger
e.g (4/5)^-25 = 264.6...
so y = (4/5)^x looks like this:
The f(x) = 3/2*(4/5)^x would simply be a vertical stretch by a factor of 1.5

For the second make a sketch of y = 5^x
then y = +6(5^x) would be a vertical stretch , but the graph would still be totally above the x-axis
The y = -6(5^x) would reflect that on the x-axis, so what would it look like?