there is a cylinder perfume bottle the height is 12.4 cm the radius is 6.2 cm

the formula is v= h * 3.14 * r squared

v= h * 3.14 * r squared

v = 12.4 * 3.14 * 6.2^2
v = _______

To calculate the volume of the cylinder perfume bottle, you can use the formula V = h * π * r^2, where V represents the volume, h is the height, π is a mathematical constant (approximately equal to 3.14), and r is the radius of the cylinder.

Given that the height (h) is 12.4 cm and the radius (r) is 6.2 cm, you can substitute these values into the formula to find the volume (V) of the perfume bottle:

V = 12.4 cm * 3.14 * (6.2 cm)^2

First, let's calculate (6.2 cm) squared:

r^2 = 6.2 cm * 6.2 cm = 38.44 cm^2

Now substitute the value of r^2 into the formula:

V = 12.4 cm * 3.14 * 38.44 cm^2

Next, multiply the height (12.4 cm) by the result of 3.14 * 38.44 cm^2:

V = 12.4 cm * 3.14 * 38.44 cm^2 = 1,515.7368 cm^3

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder perfume bottle is approximately 1,515.7368 cubic centimeters.

To find the volume of a cylinder, you can use the formula:

V = h * π * r^2

V = Volume
h = Height of the cylinder
r = Radius of the cylinder
π = Pi, approximately 3.14

In this case, the height of the cylinder is given as 12.4 cm, and the radius is given as 6.2 cm.

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

V = 12.4 cm * 3.14 * (6.2 cm)^2

Now let's calculate the volume of the cylinder by simplifying the equation:

V = 12.4 cm * 3.14 * 38.44 cm^2

V = 480.7424 cm^3

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder perfume bottle is approximately 480.7424 cm^3.