the reforms of Cleisthenes?

I need help with this question


You're welcome.

What is the answer, I used the link and still didn't find it.

Which one:
Which of the following reforms did Cleisthenes institute?
A.He extended voting rights to foreign craftsmen in Athens.
B.He based classes on agricultural production, not birth.
C.He reorganized the governing body to be more representative of the entire city.
D.He limited voting rights to only those born to two Athenian parents.

I need help.

To understand the reforms of Cleisthenes, we need to look into the historical context and the actions taken by him during his time as an ancient Greek statesman. Here's how you can approach answering this question:

1. Historical Context:
- Cleisthenes was a politician from Athens, who lived during the 6th and 5th centuries BCE.
- Athens was a city-state in Greece and was known for its democratic system of governance.
- Before Cleisthenes, Athens was under the rule of tyrants, and there was a constant struggle for power between noble families.

2. Cleisthenes' Reforms:
- In 508 BCE, Cleisthenes came to power and introduced a series of reforms aimed at strengthening democracy and reducing the power of noble families.
- He increased the citizenry by naturalizing foreigners, giving them Athenian citizenship. This move was a significant departure from the previous exclusionary policies.
- Cleisthenes divided Athens into ten tribes based on geography rather than ancestry, breaking the power of traditional ruling families who were organized by kinship.
- Each tribe was further divided into smaller units called demes, creating a new political alignment and diluting the influence of established factions.
- Cleisthenes also established a new system called ostracism, where citizens could vote to banish influential individuals for ten years if they were deemed a threat to democracy.

3. Impact and Significance:
- Cleisthenes' reforms revolutionized Athenian democracy and had a lasting impact on the system of governance.
- By introducing territorial divisions and weakening the power of ruling elites, he made Athens more inclusive and representative of its diverse population.
- The reforms laid the foundation for a more direct form of democracy where citizens had the opportunity to participate and have a say in the affairs of the city-state.

Now that you have an understanding of the context and the key aspects of Cleisthenes' reforms, you can use this information to explain his reforms and their significance.