A jacket's original price is $65.00. It is on sale for 40% off. You have to pay 5% sales tax. What is the final price for the jacket?

I need help
answer in proportions please

1) 65x .6= 39

39x 1.05= 40.95
Answer: $40.95

Yes, $40.95

65 times 40%=26

So 40% off is 26 dollars off

The price is $39

Then when you add the sales tax by doing 39 times 5%, you see that the sale tax is $1.95

39+1.95= $40.95 for the jacket

Haha thanks guess I have good luck for the rest on my life lol😂😀

@mwah where did u get the .6 from

that second one was very helpful!

A jackets original price is $65.00 .It is on sale for 40% off. you have to pay 5% sales tax What is the final price fir the jacket. Please show how to calculate the 5% sales tax thoroughly. PLEASE SHOW STEPS ON HOW TO SOLVE!!!!!

Jungkook is correct.

"You're always aiming paper airplanes at me when you're around
You build me up like building blocks just so you can bring me down
You can crush my Candy Cane but you'll never catch me cry
If you dangle that diploma and I deck you, don't be surprised"

wtf why are you putting text walls i just want to see if the long answer i put into connexus is right??

this is wrong i have to redo my test because they lied, and im from Conexus