1. What is the main point MacNeil is making in "The Trouble with Television"?

A. Television makes people less able to focus on anything worthwhile****
B. Escapists entertainment helps relieve the stress of modern life.
C. Television is primarily a tool for advertising
D. News should not be shown on television

2. What does Robert MacNeil believe about television?
A. It has improved Americans' way of life.
B. It helps people concentrate more.
C. It discourages hard work by viewers.***
D. It is as good as taking a travel tour

3. What issue in the United States does MacNeil say is linked to television viewing?
A. illiteracy***
B. reading more
C. mental illness
D. unemployment

4. Which of the following is an opinion used to support MacNeil's argument?
A. People watch on an average 10,000 hours of television each decade.
B. The nation has an estimated 30 million illiterate adults.
C. Television encourages people not to work hard and to look for quick results. ***
D. People who watch too much television debate complex subjects .

5. In which of the following sentences is constructive used correctly?
A. Providing constructive criticism should be insulting, not helpful.***
B. Looking at the problem with a negative point of view is more constructive.
C. Believing one can make a difference leads to constructive actions
D. Eating a constructive breakfast will help the student get to school on time.


number five is c

you're welcome love. <3

on number 4 i chose C but i don't know if thats right

I agree with all of your answers except for number 5.

then would it be D ??

number 5 is the only one im confused on

your welcome OWO


To answer the first question, you need to read Robert MacNeil's essay titled "The Trouble with Television." In the essay, MacNeil explores the negative effects of television on individuals and society. After reading the essay, you can analyze the main point he is making and select the option that aligns with his viewpoint.

For the second question, you should again refer to MacNeil's essay to understand his beliefs about television. By reading his arguments and analysis, you can identify the option that reflects MacNeil's perspective.

To answer the third question, you need to find the part in MacNeil's essay where he discusses the issue in the United States that he links to television viewing. By locating that specific section, you can identify the correct option.

To answer the fourth question, you need to identify the opinions used by MacNeil in his essay to support his argument. By carefully reading the essay and analyzing the statements made, you can select the option that reflects one of those opinions.

For the fifth question, you need to understand the correct usage of the word "constructive." By examining the provided sentences, you can identify the one that uses the term appropriately according to its definition.

Not D.

I've checked two of you guesses -- now you're on you own. Please do not post that question again.