What were some goods that Mali obtained through trade?

Mali, one of the wealthiest and most powerful empires in West Africa from the 13th to 16th centuries, obtained a variety of goods through trade. Here's how you can find information on the goods Mali obtained through trade:

1. Reliable sources: Look for academic or historical books, articles, and research papers that specifically discuss the Mali Empire or West African trade during that time period. Publications written by historians, archaeologists, or researchers specializing in African history can provide valuable insights.

2. Online databases: Utilize online databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic search engines. These platforms allow you to search for scholarly articles and publications related to Mali's trade and the specific goods obtained.

3. National and university libraries: Visit your local library or reputable university libraries that have extensive collections on African history. Utilize their search catalogs to find books, journals, and other resources related to Mali's trade networks.

4. Online museums and exhibits: Many museums and cultural institutions now have virtual exhibits or online collections related to African trade and history. Explore these resources to find information on the goods obtained by Mali through trade.

5. Reliable websites and educational resources: Certain educational websites, such as those run by universities or reputable organizations like UNESCO, provide well-researched information on historical topics. Make sure the website has credible sources and references to support its information.

By leveraging these methods, you should be able to find specific goods obtained by Mali through trade, such as gold, salt, copper, ivory, spices, textiles, and slaves. Remember to critically evaluate your sources and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy.

Mali, a medieval empire in West Africa, obtained various goods through trade. Some of the goods that Mali acquired through trade include:

1. Gold: Mali was known for its vast reserves of gold, and it was one of the major commodities traded by the empire. Gold was sourced from the mines in the region and was exchanged for goods from other regions.

2. Salt: Mali lacked natural salt deposits, so it relied on trade to obtain this essential mineral. Salt was traded from the Sahara desert, particularly from the mines of Taghaza and Teghaza.

3. Slaves: Unfortunately, slavery was widespread in the medieval period, and Mali was a part of the trans-Saharan slave trade. Slaves were captured and traded across the Saharan region, both for labor and as a form of currency.

4. Agricultural Products: Mali traded a variety of agricultural products, including grains (such as millet and rice), vegetables, fruits, and textiles made from cotton.

5. Animal Hides and Products: The empire was known for its cattle, sheep, and goats, and obtained various animal products through trade, including hides, skins, wool, and dairy products.

6. Ivory: Mali obtained ivory from the sub-Saharan region and traded it as a luxury material. Ivory was used for carving intricate statues, jewelry, and other decorative items.

7. Copper: Mali had limited natural resources of copper, so it was imported through trade. Copper was used for various purposes, including crafting tools and making jewelry.

These are just a few examples of the goods that Mali obtained through trade, highlighting the diverse range of commodities exchanged by the empire.