A right isosceles triangle has an angle with measure of 45degress if x represent third angle of the triangle, what is x? HELP





Non Ya is soooooooo right the other dude is wrong i just took the QC an got a 100% so use the Non Ya answers if u want to get a 100%

non ya is 100% correct! here are the written out answers just incase they change ;)

1. right, scalene
2. 71
3. 45
4. x+x+x=180
5. It is not possible because the sum of the angles in the triangle can't exceed 180.

you're welcome :))

If it's a right triangle, one of the angles are 90. All three angle measurements added together on a triangle will always equal 180. So what is the answer to 180 - (90 + 45)?

ok non ya is correct insted of c for #3 it is b

Which one

non ya is right... i think, idk

To find the measure of the third angle, we first need to determine the sum of the three angles in a triangle.

In any triangle, the sum of the angles is always 180 degrees. Let's use this information to solve the problem.

In a right isosceles triangle, we have one angle measuring 90 degrees (right angle) and another angle measuring 45 degrees.

Let's assign variables to the angles:
- The first angle is 90 degrees.
- The second angle is 45 degrees.
- The third angle is represented by x.

To find x, we need to subtract the sum of the known angles from 180 degrees:

x = 180 degrees - (90 degrees + 45 degrees)
x = 180 degrees - 135 degrees
x = 45 degrees

Therefore, the measure of the third angle, x, is 45 degrees.

Non ya is right, thank you tho dude