How do the author’s feelings change in “ the season’s Curmudgeon sees the light?

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To understand how the author's feelings change in the story "The Season's Curmudgeon Sees the Light," you will need to analyze the text and identify key moments and shifts in emotion. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this analysis:

1. Read the story: Start by thoroughly reading the entire text. Pay attention to the details and any specific moments that may indicate a change in the author's feelings.

2. Identify the beginning emotions: Begin by determining the initial feelings or attitudes expressed by the author. Look for descriptions, dialogues, or actions that reveal the author's sentiment at the story's outset.

3. Locate turning points: Identify the points in the story where the author's feelings appear to shift. Look for events, encounters, or realizations that seem to impact the author and cause a change in perspective.

4. Analyze the author's language: Examine the author's choice of words and tone throughout the text. Reflect on any shifts in the language that might indicate a change in emotional state.

5. Consider character development: Look for changes in the author's character traits or behavior as the story progresses. This can also provide insight into their changing emotions.

6. Examine the resolution/conclusion: Evaluate how the story concludes and the author's emotional state at the end. Determine if there is a clear transformation in the author's feelings by comparing them to the initial emotions identified.

By following these steps and actively analyzing the text, you should be able to identify how the author's feelings change throughout the story "The Season's Curmudgeon Sees the Light."