10. What are the Holland Codes? (1 point)

A. Assertive, persuasive, systematic
B. Physical, security, social, ego, self actualization
C. Realistic, investigation, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional
D. Verbal, visual, tactile, logical/mathematical, rythmic/musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic

it is realistic, investigative,artistic,social,enterprising, and conventional

I choose a btw

The Holland Codes are a set of personality types developed by John L. Holland. These codes are used in the field of career counseling and are often used to connect individuals with suitable career paths. The correct answer is C. Realistic, investigation, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional. These six codes represent different areas of interest and abilities that are often associated with specific career fields.

To find the answer to this question, you need to be familiar with the Holland Codes and their descriptions. You can do this by researching or studying career counseling resources, such as books or websites. Understanding the different codes and their corresponding characteristics will help you identify the correct answer. In this case, option C is the correct answer as it lists all six Holland Codes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.


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