Decide which of the following physical activities incorporates stretching on a regular basis A soccer B yoga C aerobics D tennis

B. Yoga

I think yoga is the correct answer, it involves stretching (well, they all do, but yoga's main purpose is kinda stretching)

To decide which of the physical activities incorporates stretching on a regular basis, let's look at each one individually:

A) Soccer: While soccer involves running, jumping, and other physical movements, stretching is generally not a primary focus during regular soccer practices or matches. Although players may perform some light stretching before and after activities, it is not a central component.

B) Yoga: Yoga is well-known for its emphasis on flexibility and stretching. Practitioners engage in various poses and movements that promote stretching and elongating the muscles. Yoga is renowned for its benefits in increasing flexibility, balance, and overall wellbeing.

C) Aerobics: Aerobics typically involves rhythmic movements, high-intensity exercises, and cardiovascular activities. While it can include warm-up and cool-down routines that incorporate light stretching, the main focus is usually on cardiovascular endurance rather than stretching.

D) Tennis: Tennis involves quick movements, agility, and hand-eye coordination. Although athletes may perform a warm-up routine before playing, which may include some stretching exercises, stretching is not generally a predominant aspect of the sport.

Based on this analysis, the activity that incorporates stretching on a regular basis is B) yoga. Yoga is specifically designed to promote flexibility and includes stretching as a fundamental component of its practice.

Ill go with yoga, since you stretch your body a lot