solve for the domain, interval notation

f(x)=(x+8)/(x^2 -49)

domain: all real numbers, except +-7

range: net inf to pos infinity. see graph

To find the domain of a function, we need to identify all the values of x for which the function is defined. In this case, we have the function f(x) = (x+8)/(x^2 - 49).

To determine the domain, we need to consider any values of x that could result in an undefined expression or division by zero. In this case, the function will be undefined if the denominator, x^2 - 49, equals zero.

To find when x^2 - 49 = 0, we can solve the equation:

x^2 - 49 = 0

Using the difference of squares factorization, we can rewrite the equation as:

(x + 7)(x - 7) = 0

Now, we set each factor to zero and solve for x:

x + 7 = 0 or x - 7 = 0

Simplifying each equation:

x = -7 or x = 7

Now, we have two values that make the denominator zero, x = -7 and x = 7. These are the values that we need to exclude from the domain.

Therefore, the domain of the function f(x) = (x+8)/(x^2 - 49) is all real numbers except x = -7 and x = 7.

In interval notation, we can express the domain as:

(-∞, -7) ∪ (-7, 7) ∪ (7, ∞)