Which of the following causes Earth’s plates to move continuously?


Mrs sue is dead

wow, yelling at the dead how rude as for the answers all you have to do is look every question up and google will tell you because it is science

The movement of Earth's plates is primarily caused by a geological process called plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is driven by the convective motion of the mantle, which is the semi-fluid layer beneath Earth's crust. To understand how this process works, we can break it down into the following steps:

1. Heat transfer within the Earth: Heat is continuously generated within Earth's core through radioactive decay. This heat is transported towards the surface through a process called convection. Convection occurs when warmer materials rise and cooler materials sink.

2. Mantle convection: The heat from the core transfers to the mantle, heating it up and making it less dense. The hotter, less dense mantle rises towards the surface. As it reaches the surface, it cools down, becomes denser, and starts sinking back into the mantle. This continuous cycle of heating, rising, cooling, and sinking creates a convective flow within the mantle.

3. Lithospheric plates: Earth's lithosphere, which comprises the rigid outer shell including the crust and uppermost part of the mantle, is divided into several large plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere below. The movement of the plates is driven by the convective currents in the underlying asthenosphere.

4. Plate boundaries: The plates interact at their boundaries, which can be classified into three main types: divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries, and transform boundaries.

- Divergent boundaries: Two plates move away from each other, creating a gap. Magma from the mantle rises to fill the gap, creating new crust and pushing the plates apart. This process is known as seafloor spreading. An example of a divergent boundary can be seen at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

- Convergent boundaries: Two plates collide with each other. Depending on their composition, one of the plates may be forced beneath the other in a process called subduction. This can result in the formation of mountain ranges, volcanic activity, and earthquakes. The Pacific Ring of Fire is a well-known example of a convergent boundary.

- Transform boundaries: Two plates slide past each other horizontally, neither creating nor destroying crust. The San Andreas Fault in California is a classic example of a transform boundary.

The continuous movement of the plates at their boundaries is what causes earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the formation of various landforms on Earth's surface.

please answer this

please answer

its c

And for MR. Sue who the freak are you?

Stop cheating

What following?