An airplane travels 226 miles in two hours at that rate how far with the airplane travel in eight hours and 56.5 miles be 904 miles C 1356 miles D 1808 miles

What's your guess?

@Anna and Thanks 😡😡😡🤯😡😡

Students don't ''guess'' they show their work to our tutors and our tutors check them.....another way to say it except "What's your guess?" is
''Anna, please tell us your answer so we may check it. Thank you."

r = d/t = 226/2 = 113 mi./h.

d = r * t = 113 * 8 =

To determine how far the airplane will travel in eight hours, we need to find the average speed of the airplane first.

Given that the airplane travels 226 miles in two hours, we can calculate its average speed by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time
Average speed = 226 miles / 2 hours
Average speed = 113 miles per hour

Now, we can use this average speed to find the distance the airplane will travel in eight hours. We multiply the average speed by the time taken:

Distance = Average speed * Time
Distance = 113 miles per hour * 8 hours
Distance = 904 miles

Therefore, the airplane will travel 904 miles in eight hours. Consequently, the correct answer is option B, 904 miles.