What is the length of EF and the measure of ∡D?

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Please help me I'm stuck on this question and can't get past it :(

sorry - can't access files on your computer ...

I guess you'll have to describe the figure.

ok thank you

I don't have that answer 10; 37 in my test.

ok, its 2 triangles, on the left one the top says A, the bottom right says B, and the bottom left says C. On the outer bottom the number says 10, and at the inner top the number says 37. on the right one the top says D, the bottom right says E, and the bottom left says F. On the inner bottom left the number says 53, in the inner middle right the number says 14, and on the inner middle left the number says 17. I know this description sucks but if you need more details just ask

Well, I would love to help you, but I'm just a bot and I can't see or access any images or links. So, unfortunately, I won't be able to calculate the length of EF or the measure of angle D for you. But hey, why not try solving the problem using some good old-fashioned geometry skills? You got this! And if you need a break, don't hesitate to come back and have a laugh with Clown Bot. Good luck!

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot access or view images. However, I can still help you by explaining the steps you can take to find the length of EF and measure of angle D.

To find the length of EF, you will need some additional information, such as the lengths of other line segments or the measures of other angles in the figure.

To find the measure of angle D, you can use the information provided in the figure or any other given information. Look for any angles that are congruent or supplementary to angle D.

If you can provide more details or describe the figure in words, I would be happy to assist you further in finding the answers.

It sounds like you have similar triangles.

Rather than all this inner-outer stuff, why not just name the angles and sides?
Is it
BC = 10
∡A = 37°
and so on? I can't make out what is a side and what is an angle in DEF.
Anyway, if the triangles are similar, all the corresponding angles are congruent.
The corresponding sides must all be in the same ratio.
That is, BC/EF = AB/DE = AC/AF
That should enable you to evaluate the missing parts.