Please help solve these word problem.vanita types 72 pages of notes in a day .she types 1/2 of the pages in the morning and 1/3 of the pages in the afternoon .she types the rest of the pages in the evening .how many pages of notes does she type altogether in the morning and afternoon ?

1/2 * 72 + 1/3 * 72 = 5/6 * 72 = ?

To solve this word problem, we can start by finding out how many pages Vanita types in the morning and afternoon combined.

Given that Vanita types 72 pages of notes in a day, we can represent this information with the following equation:

Morning + Afternoon + Evening = 72 pages

Let's assume she types "x" pages in the morning and "y" pages in the afternoon. Therefore, the equation becomes:

(x) + (y) + Evening = 72 pages

According to the problem, she types half of the pages in the morning and one-third in the afternoon. So, we can write the following equations:

Morning = (1/2)x
Afternoon = (1/3)y

Substituting these values into our equation, we get:

(1/2)x + (1/3)y + Evening = 72 pages

Since we are looking for the sum of pages typed in the morning and afternoon, we can write the equation as:

(1/2)x + (1/3)y = ?

To find the solution, we need more information about how many pages Vanita types in the evening.