While in Europe, if you drive 109 km per day, how much money would you spend on gas in one week if gas costs 1.10 euros per liter and your car's gas mileage is 27.0 mi/gal ? Assume that 1euro=1.26dollars.

7 days * 109km/day *1gal/27mi * 1L/0.264gal * 1.1euro/L * $1.26/euro * 0.62mi/km = $91.98

To calculate the amount of money spent on gas in one week, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the daily driving distance from kilometers to miles.
1 kilometer is approximately equal to 0.6214 miles.
Therefore, the daily driving distance in miles is 109 km * 0.6214 miles/km = 67.7266 miles/day.

Step 2: Calculate the weekly driving distance in miles.
Since there are 7 days in a week, the total weekly driving distance in miles is 67.7266 miles/day * 7 days = 473.0862 miles.

Step 3: Convert the weekly driving distance from miles to gallons.
The car's gas mileage is given in miles per gallon (mi/gal), so we need to convert the weekly driving distance from miles to gallons.
473.0862 miles / 27.0 mi/gal = 17.5224 gallons.

Step 4: Calculate the total cost of gas in euros.
The cost of gas is 1.10 euros per liter.
To convert gallons to liters, we multiply by 3.78541 (1 gallon = 3.78541 liters).
So, the total cost of gas in euros is 17.5224 gallons * 3.78541 liters/gallon * 1.10 euros/liter = 73.71 euros.

Step 5: Convert the total cost of gas from euros to dollars.
Since 1 euro is equal to 1.26 dollars, the total cost of gas in dollars is 73.71 euros * 1.26 dollars/euro = 92.8746 dollars.

Therefore, if you drive 109 km per day and gas costs 1.10 euros per liter, you would spend approximately 92.8746 dollars on gas in one week.

To calculate the amount of money you would spend on gas in one week, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert kilometers to miles.
Since your car's gas mileage is stated in miles per gallon, we need to convert kilometers to miles to keep the units consistent. 1 kilometer is approximately equal to 0.6214 miles. Therefore, to convert 109 km to miles, we multiply it by the conversion factor:

109 km * 0.6214 miles/km ≈ 67.729 miles

So, you would be driving approximately 67.729 miles per day.

Step 2: Calculate the amount of gas consumption in gallons.
Next, we need to calculate the amount of gas consumed in gallons per day. We know that your car's gas mileage is 27.0 miles per gallon.

67.729 miles / 27.0 miles per gallon ≈ 2.507 gallons per day

So, you would consume approximately 2.507 gallons of gas per day.

Step 3: Convert liters to gallons.
Since the gas price is given in euros per liter, we need to convert it to dollars per gallon. We know that 1 gallon is approximately equal to 3.785 liters. Therefore, to convert from liters to gallons, we divide the price in euros per liter by the conversion factor:

1.10 euros/liter / 3.785 liters/gallon ≈ 0.29 euros/gallon

So, the gas price is approximately 0.29 euros per gallon.

Step 4: Convert euros to dollars.
Since the conversion rate is given as 1 euro = 1.26 dollars, we multiply the gas price in euros per gallon by the conversion rate to get the price in dollars per gallon:

0.29 euros/gallon * 1.26 dollars/euro ≈ 0.3654 dollars/gallon

So, the gas price is approximately 0.3654 dollars per gallon.

Step 5: Calculate the total cost of gas in one week.
Finally, we calculate the total cost of gas for one week by multiplying the gas consumption per day by the gas price per gallon and then multiplying it by the number of days in a week (7):

2.507 gallons/day * 0.3654 dollars/gallon * 7 days/week ≈ 6.403 dollars/week

So, if you drive 109 km per day in Europe, you would spend approximately 6.403 dollars on gas in one week.