In what way do the people actually "disappear" in "The City Is So Big"

What are the answer options?

they dissapear behind elevator doors

In the novel "The City Is So Big" by Richard Price, the term "disappear" is used in a metaphorical sense rather than a literal one. The disappearance of people in the story refers to their social and emotional alienation, their loss of connection to others and to society as a whole.

To understand and analyze how people "disappear" in the book, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the novel: Begin by reading the book thoroughly to gain a comprehensive understanding of its themes and characters. Pay special attention to instances where characters become isolated or detached from their communities.

2. Identify instances of social isolation: Look for specific situations where characters in the story distance themselves from others, experience a breakdown in relationships, or feel removed from the social fabric of the city. These instances can manifest as physical isolation (living alone, avoiding public spaces) or emotional detachment (feeling unheard, unnoticed, or unimportant).

3. Examine causes and consequences: Analyze the reasons behind the characters' disappearances. Is it due to personal circumstances, societal pressures, or the complex dynamics of urban life? Consider the impact of their isolation on their well-being, mental health, and overall sense of belonging.

4. Seek symbolism and broader implications: Look for symbolic elements that go beyond individual characters. Explore how their disappearances symbolize larger social issues such as urban alienation, loneliness, inequality, or the dehumanizing effects of modernity. Consider how these themes relate to the overall message of the novel.

5. Engage in critical analysis: Finally, develop your own interpretation and analysis of how the people actually "disappear" in "The City Is So Big." Support your ideas with evidence from the text, including specific quotes, scenes, or dialogue.

By following these steps and delving into the various layers of the novel, you can gain a deeper understanding of how Richard Price depicts the disappearance of people in "The City Is So Big" and explore its broader significance within the story.