Which of the following best describes the ku klux klan in texas during the 1920s?

a. an open social welfare club that did good deeds for all
b. an organization that only concerned itself with business interests
c. a semi-secretive club that sometimes committed violence**
d. a political party that openly campaigned and had candidates for office

Am I correct??

Yes, you're right.

Thank you, Ms. Sue :D

You're welcome, AnimeLover.

Based on the given options, the statement that best describes the Ku Klux Klan in Texas during the 1920s is option c: a semi-secretive club that sometimes committed violence. However, it's important to note that the Klan's activities were not limited to Texas and they were known for their acts of violence and intimidation against African Americans, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and others they perceived as threats to their beliefs or supremacy.