Which event in the timeline symbolizes a significant change in the religious landscape of Europe?

To identify an event that symbolizes a significant change in the religious landscape of Europe, we need to look for events that had a profound impact on the religious practices, beliefs, or institutions of the continent. One such event would be the Protestant Reformation.

To find more information about the Protestant Reformation and how it impacted Europe's religious landscape, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching the Protestant Reformation: It was a religious movement that began in the early 16th century and led to the formation of new Christian denominations, distinct from the Roman Catholic Church.

2. Look for key figures: Martin Luther, a German monk, is often considered the catalyst for the Reformation. His posting of the 95 Theses in 1517 questioned certain practices and doctrines of the Catholic Church. Other important figures include John Calvin in Geneva and Huldrych Zwingli in Switzerland.

3. Study the key ideas: The Protestant Reformation emphasized ideas such as salvation by faith alone, the authority of the Bible, and the priesthood of all believers. These ideas challenged the authority and practices of the Catholic Church.

4. Explore the effects: The Reformation led to the fragmentation of Western Christianity. New Protestant denominations, like Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism, emerged and gained followers across Europe. Religious wars and conflicts, such as the Thirty Years' War, resulted from these religious divisions.

By delving into these aspects, you can gain a better understanding of how the Protestant Reformation impacted Europe and symbolized a significant change in its religious landscape.

The event that symbolizes a significant change in the religious landscape of Europe is the Protestant Reformation.