Translate into an algebraic expression.

Four more than three times a number.

4+ 3(y)

To translate "four more than three times a number" into an algebraic expression, we can use the variable "x" to represent the number.

Three times a number: 3x

Four more than three times a number: 3x + 4

Therefore, the algebraic expression for "four more than three times a number" is 3x + 4.

To translate the phrase "Four more than three times a number" into an algebraic expression, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define a variable. Let's use the letter "x" to represent the number.

Step 2: Identify the mathematical operation. The phrase "times" indicates multiplication, and "more than" implies addition.

Step 3: Translate the phrase into an expression. "Three times a number" can be expressed as 3x, and "four more than" means we add 4 to this expression.

Therefore, the algebraic expression for "Four more than three times a number" is 3x + 4.

"more than" means +

"times" means multiplication
4 + 3x