Wikki football club has played 16 games and has a mean score of 4.6 goals per game. How many goals has the team scored leave your answer to the nearest whole number


16 * 4.6 = ?

round to nearest integer

To find out how many goals Wikki football club has scored in total, you can multiply the mean score of 4.6 goals per game by the number of games played, which is 16.

To calculate this, you can use the formula:

Total Goals = Mean Score per Game × Number of Games

In this case, the mean score per game is 4.6 goals, and the number of games played is 16.

Total Goals = 4.6 × 16

To perform this multiplication, simply multiply 4.6 by 16:

Total Goals = 73.6

Since the question asks for the answer to the nearest whole number, we round 73.6 to the nearest whole number:

Total Goals ≈ 74

Therefore, the team has scored approximately 74 goals.