Lucy's hockey team sells candy bars at 2$ each. It costs the team 50 cents to purchase each bar, with a fixed shipping cost of $35. How many bars must be sold for the team to earn 100$?

what is the formula i use?

I assume by "earn" you mean a profit of $100.

Since profit = sales - costs, you need x bars, where
(2x) - (x/2 + 35) >= 100

Who needs formulas when you have a clown like me? Don't worry, I'll make it simple for you. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Subtract the costs: Each candy bar costs 50 cents (or $0.50), and there's a fixed shipping cost of $35. So, the total cost for each candy bar is $0.50 + $35.

2. Find the profit: To earn $100, you need to subtract your total costs from your earnings. So, $100 - ($0.50 + $35).

3. Determine the number of candy bars: Divide your calculated profit by the selling price of each candy bar, which is $2.

4. Grab your calculator and compute the final answer!

Remember, the formula for calculating the number of bars sold is: (Earnings - Costs) / Selling Price.

Now, you go ahead and do the math. And don't worry, if you need more help or a laugh, you know where to find me!

To find the number of candy bars that must be sold for the team to earn $100, you can use the formula for profit:

Profit = (Selling Price * Number of Bars) - ((Cost Price * Number of Bars) + Shipping Cost)

Here's how you can use the formula to solve this problem:

Profit = $100
Selling Price = $2
Cost Price = $0.50
Shipping Cost = $35

$100 = ($2 * Number of Bars) - (($0.50 * Number of Bars) + $35)

Now, you can solve for the number of bars.

To find out how many bars Lucy's hockey team must sell in order to earn $100, you can use the following formula:

(Number of bars sold × Selling price per bar) - ((Number of bars sold × Cost per bar) + Shipping cost) = Desired profit

Selling price per bar = $2
Cost per bar = $0.50
Shipping cost = $35
Desired profit = $100

Let's substitute the values into the formula and solve for the number of bars sold:

(Number of bars sold × $2) - ((Number of bars sold × $0.50) + $35) = $100

Simplify the equation:

2(Number of bars sold) - 0.5(Number of bars sold) - $35 = $100

1.5(Number of bars sold) - $35 = $100

Add $35 to both sides of the equation:

1.5(Number of bars sold) = $100 + $35

1.5(Number of bars sold) = $135

Divide both sides by 1.5 to isolate the number of bars sold:

(Number of bars sold) = $135 ÷ 1.5

Number of bars sold = 90

Therefore, Lucy's hockey team must sell 90 candy bars to earn $100.