1. -2v - 7 = -23

A. 15
B. 8
C. -8
D. -15

Can someone pls explain this to me?

I don't know sorry, I would like someone to teach me this too pls

-2v - 7 = -23

Add 7 to both sides.

-2v = - 16

Divide both sides by -2

v = 8

Note that division of two negative number produces a positive quotient.

ok I understand now

@Ms. Sue can you help me understand another question?

x/3 - 10 = -12
A. -6
B -66
C 6
D 66

x/3 - 10 = -12

Add 10 to both sides.

x/3 = -2

Multiply 3 by both sides

x = - 6

ms sue are you a real teacher

To solve this equation, you need to isolate the variable v. Let's go step by step:

1. Start with the given equation: -2v - 7 = -23

2. First, let's get rid of the constant term (-7) on the left side. We can do this by adding 7 to both sides of the equation:
-2v - 7 + 7 = -23 + 7
-2v = -16

3. Now, to isolate the variable v, divide both sides of the equation by -2:
-2v / -2 = -16 / -2
v = 8

So the answer is B. 8

To verify the solution, substitute v = 8 back into the original equation:
-2(8) - 7 = -23
-16 - 7 = -23
-23 = -23

Since the equation is true, the solution v = 8 is correct.