Can you safely assume you are not allergic to a poison sumac plant if you have come in contact with it and 12 hours later you still have not developed a rash? Why or why not.

I do not think you should assume that you are resistant to poison sumac just because you came in contact with it and did not get a rash. As far as why not I am not sure. Maybe because your genetics have given you the ability to resist the oil when it comes into contact with your skin.

To determine whether or not you are allergic to poison sumac or any other substances, it is important to understand that allergic reactions can vary from person to person. Coming in contact with poison sumac and not developing a rash immediately does not necessarily mean that you are not allergic to it. Allergic reactions can take time to manifest, and the timing and severity of the reaction can vary.

To be more certain about whether or not you are allergic to poison sumac, it is recommended to monitor your skin for at least 48 to 72 hours after coming in contact with the plant. Allergic reactions, such as developing a rash, may not occur immediately and can take some time to appear.

If you suspect an allergic reaction or are unsure about your sensitivity to poison sumac, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional such as a doctor or allergist. They can perform specific tests, such as patch testing or skin prick tests, to determine your sensitivity or allergic response to certain substances.

Always exercise caution and consider taking preventive measures (such as wearing protective clothing or using barrier creams) when coming into contact with potential allergens, especially if you have a history of allergies or have experienced reactions in the past.