How did Jacob Riis’s photos in How the Other Half Lives influence American citizens?

Americans were disheartened by working conditions of children.
Americans were concerned by corruption in politics.
Americans were upset by the plight of the mentally ill.
Americans were disturbed by the housing conditions of the poor.


Yes, D

Thank you

You're welcome.

Yes, the correct answer is D. Americans were disturbed by the housing conditions of the poor.

Jacob Riis's photos in his influential book How the Other Half Lives exposed the living conditions of slums and tenements in late 19th-century America. The book consisted of photographs taken by Riis himself, accompanied by his written descriptions. The powerful images portrayed the overcrowded, unsanitary, and dilapidated housing conditions endured by the poor and immigrant communities.

These photographs had a significant impact on American citizens because they brought attention to the widespread poverty and inequality in cities. The images were published in newspapers and magazines, reaching a wide audience and sparking public outrage. Riis's work exposed the dark underbelly of urban life and forced Americans to confront the harsh realities faced by the impoverished.

The photographs led to increased awareness and a sense of urgency among Americans to address the housing conditions of the poor. They played a key role in inspiring social and political reforms, leading to the implementation of housing regulations, improved sanitation practices, and the creation of tenement housing laws. As a result, Americans became increasingly concerned about the living conditions of the less fortunate and more committed to tackling the problem of urban poverty.

ms.sue is not answering anybodys questions so i think we all is gonna have to wait