which of the following occupations relate to a skill category of words and literacy? select all that apply.

a. educator**
b. lawyer**
c. marketing manager
d. psychologist
e. architect

I think it's a and b

1. D

2. D
3. A,B
4. A,B


I agree.

I really need someone to check my answers please ms.sue

You are correct! The occupations that relate to a skill category of words and literacy are:

a. Educator: Educators often require strong verbal and written communication skills to effectively teach and communicate with students.
b. Lawyer: Lawyers need excellent reading, writing, and verbal skills to analyze and interpret legal texts, communicate with clients, and present their cases.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the nature of each occupation and consider the skills involved. Educators are responsible for teaching and imparting knowledge, which requires good communication and literacy skills. Lawyers, on the other hand, rely heavily on their ability to comprehend legal documents, construct persuasive arguments, and communicate effectively.

However, it's important to note that the remaining options c. marketing manager, d. psychologist, and e. architect do not directly relate to a skill category of words and literacy.