which would be an exception to the comity clause?

A. buying and selling property in different states
B. charging more money for out of state college tuition
C. freely travelling between states
D. recognizing all marriages from all states




Abe is right Nick its B C B not D

2 years

Abe is correct it’s B,C,D

To determine the exception to the Comity Clause, we need to understand what the Comity Clause is. The Comity Clause, also known as the Privileges and Immunities Clause, is found in Article IV, Section 2 of the United States Constitution.

It states that "The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States." This means that citizens of one state should be treated the same as citizens of another state when it comes to certain basic rights and protections.

Now, let's examine the options:

A. Buying and selling property in different states: This would generally not be an exception to the Comity Clause because citizens of one state should have the same rights to buy and sell property in another state as citizens of that state.

B. Charging more money for out-of-state college tuition: This could potentially be an exception to the Comity Clause. Charging higher tuition rates for out-of-state students could be seen as treating them differently and denying them the same privileges as in-state students.

C. Freely traveling between states: This would not be an exception to the Comity Clause because citizens have the right to travel freely between states.

D. Recognizing all marriages from all states: This would not be an exception to the Comity Clause because recognizing marriages from all states would help ensure that citizens are entitled to the same privileges and responsibilities regarding marriage, regardless of the state where the marriage was performed.

Based on the explanations above, the exception to the Comity Clause would most likely be:

B. Charging more money for out-of-state college tuition

My answer is D by the way

Yes, D.