The average of 1/5 and other two numbers out of which one is the half of the other is 1/4. What is the smallest fraction out of unknowns.

(1/5 + 2x + x) / 3 = 1/4

3x = 3/4 - 1/5

Let's denote the unknown numbers as x and y, with y being half of x.

According to the given information, the average of 1/5, x, and y is 1/4.

The average of three numbers is found by adding them up and dividing by 3. So we have the equation:

(1/5 + x + y) / 3 = 1/4

To solve for x and y, we need to simplify the equation by multiplying through by the common denominator, which is 60:

(12 + 60x + 60y) / 3 = 15

Now we can simplify further:

12 + 60x + 60y = 45

Next, we know that y is half of x, so we can substitute y with x/2 in the equation:

12 + 60x + 60(x/2) = 45


12 + 60x + 30x = 45

Combining like terms,

90x = 33

Dividing both sides by 90,

x = 33/90

Simplifying the fraction,

x = 11/30

Since x is the smaller fraction out of the two unknown numbers, the smallest fraction out of the unknowns is 11/30.

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to the unknown numbers. Let's call one of the unknown numbers "x" and the other "y," where y is half of x.

According to the problem, the average of 1/5 and the two unknown numbers is 1/4.

The average of three numbers is found by adding them together and dividing the sum by 3. So, we can set up the following equation:

[(1/5) + x + y] / 3 = 1/4

Since y is half of x, we can express y in terms of x: y = (1/2)x.

Substituting this value into the equation, we get:

[(1/5) + x + (1/2)x] / 3 = 1/4

Simplifying this equation, we have:

[10(1/5) + 10x + 5x] / 30 = 1/4

(2/5 + 15x) / 30 = 1/4

Cross-multiplying, we get:

(2/5 + 15x) * 4 = 30

8/5 + 60x = 30

Now, let's isolate x by subtracting 8/5 from both sides:

60x = 30 - 8/5

We need to convert 30 to an improper fraction with a denominator of 5 to make it easier to subtract:

30 = 150/5, so the equation becomes:

60x = 150 - 8/5

Now, let's convert 150 to a fraction with a denominator of 5:

150 = 750/5, so the equation becomes:

60x = 750/5 - 8/5

Combining the fractions, we have:

60x = (750 - 8)/5

Simplifying the numerator, we get:

60x = 742/5

To find the value of x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 60:

x = 742/5 ÷ 60

Simplifying, we have:

x ≈ 12.37

Since y is half of x, we can find the value of y by dividing x by 2:

y ≈ 12.37 / 2

y ≈ 6.19

Now, we have the values of x and y. To find the smallest fraction out of x and y, we compare them.

x ≈ 12.37 and y ≈ 6.19

Since the numerator of y (6.19) is smaller than the numerator of x (12.37), y is the smallest fraction out of the unknowns.

Therefore, the smallest fraction out of the unknowns is approximately 6.19.