Which of the following is a similarity between Christianity and Islam?

Belief in one God - monotheism
Belief in Karma
Belief in many Gods - polytheism <-------

I've been kinda mixed up with the two..

Polytheism means belief in more than one god. Do Christians and Muslims believe in several gods?

I've already figured it out, it is A. :/

The correct similarity between Christianity and Islam is "Belief in one God - monotheism." Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions, which means they believe in and worship only one God.

The correct answer is "Belief in one God - monotheism." Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions, which means they believe in and worship a single God. They both emphasize the oneness and unity of God, rejecting the belief in multiple gods or polytheism.

To understand the similarities between different religions, it can be helpful to research and explore their fundamental beliefs and teachings. In this case, Christianity and Islam both derive their monotheistic beliefs from their sacred texts, the Bible and the Quran, respectively. They share common roots with Judaism, another monotheistic religion.

To avoid confusion or misconceptions between Christianity and Islam or any other religions, it is important to consult reliable sources, such as religious texts, scholarly works, and reputable websites. Additionally, engaging in respectful dialogue or discussions with individuals practicing these religions can help clarify any misunderstandings and promote better understanding.