Five square flower beds each of sides 1m are dug on a piece of land 5m long 4m wide . What is the area of remaining part of land?


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To find the area of the remaining part of the land, we first need to calculate the total area of the flower beds, and then subtract it from the total area of the land.

The area of one square flower bed with sides of 1m is equal to the square of the side length, so it is 1m * 1m = 1 square meter.

Since there are five flower beds with the same dimensions, the total area of the flower beds is 1 square meter * 5 = 5 square meters.

The total area of the land is equal to its length multiplied by its width, so it is 5m * 4m = 20 square meters.

To find the area of the remaining part of the land, subtract the area of the flower beds from the total area of the land: 20 square meters - 5 square meters = 15 square meters.

Therefore, the area of the remaining part of the land is 15 square meters.