Natasha had 2356 beads, Lydia had 1176 beads and moon had 1708 beads at first. After they each used an equal number of beads, Natasha had 3 times as many beads left as Lydia. how many beads did each of them use

To find out how many beads each of them used, we need to subtract the number of beads they have after using an equal number of beads from the number they had initially.

Let's denote the number of beads they used as 'x'.

After Natasha used 'x' beads, she had 2356 - x beads left.
After Lydia used 'x' beads, she had 1176 - x beads left.

According to the problem, Natasha had 3 times as many beads left as Lydia:

2356 - x = 3(1176 - x)

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of 'x':

2356 - x = 3528 -3x

-2x = -1172

x = -1172 / -2

x = 586

So, each of them used 586 beads.

Just write what they told you:

2356-n = 3(1176-n)
Now find n, the number of beads used.