Which option accurately describes how religious practices of the Aztecs affected their culture?

Aztec priests ensured good agricultural fortune by using captured slaves to build hundreds of terracotta sculptures.

Aztec priests ensured good agricultural fortune by enslaving peasants to build giant statues on Easter Island.

Aztec priests ensured good agricultural fortune by ritualistically killing captured enemies and slaves.

Aztec priests ensured good agricultural fortune by praying to the gods Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma.

i think it is c

c is a very partial response, but of all the responses, it is the best.

thank you so much

You are correct. Option C accurately describes how religious practices of the Aztecs affected their culture. Aztec priests ensured good agricultural fortune by ritualistically killing captured enemies and slaves. Let me explain how I arrived at this answer:

The Aztecs had a strong religious belief system that played a prominent role in their culture. They believed that their deities needed nourishment in the form of human blood and hearts in order to sustain the world and ensure prosperity. As a result, Aztec priests engaged in ritualistic practices that involved the sacrifice of captured enemies and slaves.

These sacrifices were considered a crucial way to maintain a harmonious relationship with the gods and ensure good agricultural fortune. Aztec priests believed that blood sacrifices would appease the gods and secure the fertility of the land, leading to successful harvests. The sacrifices were often carried out in elaborate rituals, with the individual's heart being removed and offered as a gift to the deities.

This practice of sacrificing captured enemies and slaves not only served as a religious ritual but also had a significant impact on Aztec culture. It reinforced the Aztecs' belief in the power of their gods and the necessity of maintaining their favor through blood offerings. This religious practice influenced various aspects of Aztec society, including social hierarchy, warfare, and even their calendar system.

In summary, the accurate option is C: Aztec priests ensured good agricultural fortune by ritualistically killing captured enemies and slaves.