Mr.Cohen drives 84 2/10 miles. on Tuesday, 84 6/10 miles on Wednesday, and 85 miles on Thursday.

part A what is the rule for the distance Mr.Cohen drives each day? show how you can check your answer.

Do you want a median, average, total -- or something else?

find how much extra he drove each day -- subtract the previous day's amount.

To determine the rule for the distance Mr. Cohen drives each day, we can analyze the given information.

On Tuesday, Mr. Cohen drives 84 2/10 miles, which can be written as 84.2 miles.
On Wednesday, Mr. Cohen drives 84 6/10 miles, which can be written as 84.6 miles.
On Thursday, Mr. Cohen drives 85 miles.

By observing the pattern, we can see that Mr. Cohen is increasing the distance driven by 4/10 (0.4) miles each day.

Therefore, the rule for the distance Mr. Cohen drives each day can be defined as follows:
Distance driven on the first day = 84.2 miles
Distance driven on the second day = (Distance driven on the first day) + 0.4 miles
Distance driven on the third day = (Distance driven on the second day) + 0.4 miles

We can check this answer by using the rule to calculate the distance driven on each day:
On Tuesday: 84.2 miles
On Wednesday: 84.2 + 0.4 = 84.6 miles
On Thursday: 84.6 + 0.4 = 85 miles

The calculated distances match the given distances, confirming that the rule is correct.

To determine the rule for the distance Mr. Cohen drives each day, we need to analyze the pattern in the given distances. Let's break it down step by step:

1. On Tuesday, Mr. Cohen drives 84 2/10 miles.
2. On Wednesday, he drives 84 6/10 miles.
3. On Thursday, he drives 85 miles.

To find the rule, we should look for a common pattern or a consistent change between these distances. In this case, we can observe that the difference between each distance is always just 4/10 of a mile.

To check our answer, we can use this rule to predict the next distance Mr. Cohen would drive. Since the difference between each day's distance is 4/10 of a mile, we can add 4/10 to the distance on Thursday, which is 85 miles.

85 + 4/10 = 85 4/10 miles

So, if our rule is correct, Mr. Cohen would drive 85 4/10 miles on the next day, which would be Friday. We can also verify this by checking the information given in the question (if available).