Sra. Do these look correct?

LOS MANDATOS AFIRMATIVOS. Forme mandatos afirmativos directos según el ejemplo:
Ejemplo: BUSCARLO (tú) ® Búscalo

TRADUCIR (Uds.) ® __________


PREGUNTARLE (Ud.) ® __________


COMER (nosotros) ® __________


OLVIDARSE (Ud.) ® __________

DÁRMELO (Uds.) ® __________


SEGUIR (Ud.) ® __________

HACERLA (tú) ® __________

SENTARSE (tú) ® __________

DECIRLA (Ud.) ® __________

REPONERLO (Ud.) ® __________

EL SUBJUNTIVO. Complete la oración con la forma correcta del verbo dado.

Me iré cuando Uds. me lo _________. (DECIR)

Cambiaré las reservaciones en cuanto Ud. me _________el horario oficial. (DAR)

Buscaré la dirección mientras tú ________ por la autopista. (CIRCULAR)

Lo haré como Ud. ______. (QUERER)

Nos pagarán cuando ________ el trabajo. (TERMINAR)

Mientras que tú _____ el proyecto, los otros empezarán los exámenes. (HACER)

thank you!

You're welcome!

Sra. Let me help you review the corrections:

TRADUCIR (Uds.) ® __________

Corrected: Traduzcan

PREGUNTARLE (Ud.) ® __________

Corrected: Pregúntele

COMER (nosotros) ® __________

Corrected: Comamos

OLVIDARSE (Ud.) ® __________

Corrected: Olvídese

DÁRMELO (Uds.) ® __________

Corrected: Démelos

SEGUIR (Ud.) ® __________

Corrected: Siga

HACERLA (tú) ® __________

Corrected: Hazla

SENTARSE (tú) ® __________

Corrected: Siéntate

DECIRLA (Ud.) ® __________

Corrected: Dígala

REPONERLO (Ud.) ® __________

Corrected: Repóngalo

EL SUBJUNTIVO. Complete la oración con la forma correcta del verbo dado.

Me iré cuando Uds. me lo _________. (DECIR)

Corrected: Digan

Cambiaré las reservaciones en cuanto Ud. me _________el horario oficial. (DAR)

Corrected: Dé

Buscaré la dirección mientras tú ________ por la autopista. (CIRCULAR)

Corrected: Circulas

Lo haré como Ud. ______. (QUERER)

Corrected: Quiera

Nos pagarán cuando ________ el trabajo. (TERMINAR)

Corrected: Terminemos

Mientras que tú _____ el proyecto, los otros empezarán los exámenes. (HACER)

Corrected: Haces

You're welcome! Let me know if you have any more questions.


1. TRADUCIR (Uds.): To form the affirmative command for "Uds.", you need to use the present subjunctive form of the verb. The present subjunctive form of "traducir" is "traduzcan". Therefore, the correct answer is "traduzcan".

2. PREGUNTARLE (Ud.): To form the affirmative command for "Ud.", you need to use the present subjunctive form of the verb. The present subjunctive form of "preguntarle" is "pregúntele". Therefore, the correct answer is "pregúntele".

3. COMER (nosotros): To form the affirmative command for "nosotros", you need to use the present subjunctive form of the verb. The present subjunctive form of "comer" is "comamos". Therefore, the correct answer is "comamos".

4. OLVIDARSE (Ud.): To form the affirmative command for "Ud.", you need to use the present subjunctive form of the verb. The present subjunctive form of "olvidarse" is "olvídese". Therefore, the correct answer is "olvídese".

5. DÁRMELO (Uds.): To form the affirmative command for "Uds.", you need to use the present subjunctive form of the verb. The present subjunctive form of "dar" is "den". Therefore, the correct answer is "dénmelo".

6. SEGUIR (Ud.): To form the affirmative command for "Ud.", you need to use the present subjunctive form of the verb. The present subjunctive form of "seguir" is "siga". Therefore, the correct answer is "siga".

7. HACERLA (tú): To form the affirmative command for "tú", you need to use the imperative form of the verb. The imperative form of "hacer" is "haz". Therefore, the correct answer is "hazla".

8. SENTARSE (tú): To form the affirmative command for "tú", you need to use the imperative form of the verb. The imperative form of "sentarse" is "siéntate". Therefore, the correct answer is "siéntate".

9. DECIRLA (Ud.): To form the affirmative command for "Ud.", you need to use the present subjunctive form of the verb. The present subjunctive form of "decir" is "diga". Therefore, the correct answer is "dígala".

10. REPONERLO (Ud.): To form the affirmative command for "Ud.", you need to use the present subjunctive form of the verb. The present subjunctive form of "reponer" is "reponga". Therefore, the correct answer is "repongalo".


1. Me iré cuando Uds. me lo _________. (DECIR): In this sentence, the verb "decir" needs to be conjugated in the present subjunctive form. The present subjunctive form of "decir" in the "Uds." form is "digán". Therefore, the correct answer is "digán".

2. Cambiaré las reservaciones en cuanto Ud. me ________el horario oficial. (DAR): In this sentence, the verb "dar" needs to be conjugated in the present subjunctive form. The present subjunctive form of "dar" in the "Ud." form is "dé". Therefore, the correct answer is "dé".

3. Buscaré la dirección mientras tú ________ por la autopista. (CIRCULAR): In this sentence, the verb "circular" needs to be conjugated in the present subjunctive form. The present subjunctive form of "circular" in the "tú" form is "circules". Therefore, the correct answer is "circules".

4. Lo haré como Ud. ______. (QUERER): In this sentence, the verb "querer" needs to be conjugated in the present subjunctive form. The present subjunctive form of "querer" in the "Ud." form is "quiera". Therefore, the correct answer is "quiera".

5. Nos pagarán cuando ________ el trabajo. (TERMINAR): In this sentence, the verb "terminar" needs to be conjugated in the present subjunctive form. The present subjunctive form of "terminar" in the "nosotros" form is "terminemos". Therefore, the correct answer is "terminemos".

6. Mientras que tú _____ el proyecto, los otros empezarán los exámenes. (HACER): In this sentence, the verb "hacer" needs to be conjugated in the present subjunctive form. The present subjunctive form of "hacer" in the "tú" form is "hagas". Therefore, the correct answer is "hagas".

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.