I need help with this question. I need to know how to do the steps for it. (hope it makes sense)


Square root 2t+1 - 5 = - square root t

√(2t + 1) = 5 - √t

squaring ... 2t + 1 = t - 10√t + 25

subtracting ... t + 10√t - 24 = 0

let a = √t ... a^2 + 10a - 24 = 0

factoring ... (a + 12)(a - 2) = 0 ... a = -12 , a = 2 ... t = 144 , t = 4

substitute back to confirm solution(s)

I will read it as:

√(2t+1) - 5 = -√t
√(2t+1) = 5 - √t
square both sides:
2t+1 = 25 - 10√t + t
10√t = 24 - t
square again
100t = 576 - 48t + t^2
t^2 - 148t + 576 = 0
(t - 144)(t - 4) = 0
t= 144 or t = 4, BUT since we squared the equation each of
the answers must be verified in the original equation

if t = 144
LS = √(288+1) - 5 = 2
RS = -√144 = -12
≠ LS, so x = 144 does not work

if x = 5
LS = √9 - 5 = -2
RS = -2

so x = 4 is the only solution

To solve the equation **√(2t + 1) - 5 = -√(t)**, follow these steps:

Step 1: Isolate one of the square roots

First, isolate one of the square roots by moving the -√(t) term to the other side of the equation:

**√(2t + 1) = -√(t) + 5**

Step 2: Square both sides of the equation

Next, square both sides of the equation to eliminate the square roots:

**(√(2t + 1))^2 = (-√(t) + 5)^2**

Simplifying the equation gives:

**2t + 1 = t - 10√(t) + 25**

Step 3: Isolate the radical term

Move the terms containing the radical (√(t)) to one side of the equation and other terms to the other side:

**t + 10√(t) = 24**

Step 4: Isolate the radical term (continued)

To isolate the radical term, square both sides of the equation again:

**(t + 10√(t))^2 = 24^2**

Simplifying the equation gives:

**t^2 + 20t√(t) + 100t = 576**

Step 5: Isolate the radical term (continued)

Isolate the square root term by moving the other terms to the other side of the equation:

**20t√(t) = 576 - t^2 - 100t**

Step 6: Isolate the radical term (continued)

Divide both sides of the equation by 20t:

**√(t) = (576 - t^2 - 100t)/(20t)**

Simplify the right side of the equation:

**√(t) = (576 - t^2 - 100t)/20t**

Step 7: Solve for t

Square both sides of the equation again to eliminate the square root:

**t = ((576 - t^2 - 100t)/20t)^2**

Now, solve for t using algebraic manipulation, simplification, and factoring if possible.