To combat _ and prevent Protestantism from spreading, Pope Paul III established the Congregation of the Inquisition, also known as the _ , in 1542

1. 1.Loyalty 2.Belief 3.Harmony 4. Heresy
2. 1.Medieval Inquisition 2.Council of Trent 3.Roman Inquisition 4.Spanish Inquisition

ok sorry ummm 1. d for the first one

2. 1 - I don't think so -- so be sure to check your assigned reading.

Yes, Roman Inquisition

To find the answer to this question, we can start by understanding the context and historical events during the time period in question.

The 16th century was a time of religious reform in Europe, with the Protestant Reformation challenging the authority and teachings of the Catholic Church. In response to this challenge, the Catholic Church initiated various measures to combat Protestantism and prevent its spread.

One of these measures was established by Pope Paul III in 1542. He created an organization known as the Congregation of the Inquisition, which was also referred to as the "Roman Inquisition." This organization aimed to combat heresy and enforce orthodoxy within the Catholic Church.

Therefore, the correct answers to the given questions would be:

1. To combat heresy and prevent Protestantism from spreading, Pope Paul III established the Congregation of the Inquisition, also known as the "Roman Inquisition," in 1542.
2. The organization established by Pope Paul III in 1542 to combat heresy and prevent Protestantism from spreading is known as the Roman Inquisition.

Yes, 1. heresy


I'll be glad to check your answers.



Think! Why would the church want to combat loyalty???

2. 1 - I don't think so -- so be sure to check your assigned reading.