Why did Thomas Paine’s Common Sense inspire colonists?

A. Paine listed ways to defeat British troops.
B. Paine suggested creating a colonial House of Lords in Congress.
C. Paine supported a gradual move toward independence from Britain.
D. Paine talked about opportunities for the common man.

Why did slavery continue after the Revolution?

A. Slave labor was important to the New England economy.
B. The colonial government encouraged manumission.
C. The British, Loyalists, and Patriots all agreed that liberty did not extend to slaves.
D. The Southern plantation economy depended on slavery.

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention met to

A. write a new Constitution.
B. dismantle the national government.
C. put down Shays’ Rebellion.
D. revise the Articles of Confederation.

The Three-Fifths Compromise resulted in

A. abolition of the slave trade.
B. abolition of slavery in Northern states.
C. more representation in Congress for larger states.
D. more representation in Congress for southern states

Which principle provides for a system in which the government derives its power from the governed?

A. Federalism
B. limited government
C. popular sovereignty
D. separation of powers

What did the Federalists want the Constitution to provide?

A. a bill of rights protecting basic liberties
B. a strong central government
C. unlimited power for state governments
D. citizens’ conventions

Antifederalists criticized the Constitution as

A. concentrating too much power in the hands of a few.
B. granting too much power to the states.
C. weakening the national government by guaranteeing civil liberties.
D. containing too many checks and balances

What is taxation without representation? Why did the colonists consider this practice a problem?


To answer each of these questions, we need to analyze the given options and reasons behind the answers.

1. Why did Thomas Paine’s Common Sense inspire colonists?
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense inspired colonists because it talked about opportunities for the common man (Option D). The pamphlet outlined the benefits of independence from Britain and emphasized the idea that the American colonists would be better off governing themselves. Paine's powerful arguments resonated with many colonists, encouraging them to support the revolutionary cause.

2. Why did slavery continue after the Revolution?
Slavery continued after the Revolution because the Southern plantation economy depended on it (Option D). The plantation owners relied on slave labor to maintain their agricultural production. While there were some people who opposed slavery during this time, the economic interests of the Southern states and resistance to changing the existing labor system prevented widespread abolition.

3. The delegates at the Constitutional Convention met to
The delegates at the Constitutional Convention met to write a new Constitution (Option A). The primary goal of the convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation, which had proven ineffective. However, the delegates ultimately decided to draft a completely new constitution to establish a more powerful and balanced federal government.

4. The Three-Fifths Compromise resulted in
The Three-Fifths Compromise resulted in more representation in Congress for southern states (Option D). This compromise settled the issue of how enslaved individuals would be counted for the purposes of determining a state's population and, consequently, its number of representatives in Congress. Each enslaved individual was counted as three-fifths of a person, giving greater representation to states with significant slave populations.

5. Which principle provides for a system in which the government derives its power from the governed?
The principle that provides for a system in which the government derives its power from the governed is popular sovereignty (Option C). Popular sovereignty is the belief that the authority of the government is based on the consent and will of the people. It is a fundamental principle of democracy, asserting that the government's power is derived from the citizens it governs.

6. What did the Federalists want the Constitution to provide?
The Federalists wanted the Constitution to provide a strong central government (Option B). During the period of debate over the Constitution, Federalists supported the ratification of the document and sought to establish a centralized government that could efficiently govern the expanding nation. They believed that a stronger national government was necessary for collective security and addressing the challenges facing the young United States.

7. Antifederalists criticized the Constitution as
Antifederalists criticized the Constitution as concentrating too much power in the hands of a few (Option A). Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution because they believed it did not adequately protect individual liberties and feared that a strong central government could potentially become tyrannical. They argued for more state power and opposed the creation of a national government with significant authority.

8. What is taxation without representation? Why did the colonists consider this practice a problem?
Taxation without representation refers to the imposition of taxes by a government on individuals who have no say or voice in that government. The colonists considered this practice a problem because they believed that as English citizens, they were entitled to representation in the British Parliament, which could levy taxes. They felt that being subject to taxes without having direct representation in the decision-making process violated their rights and interests as free subjects. This sense of taxation without representation fueled grievances and ultimately contributed to the American Revolution.

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