What is the major source of air pollution in developing countries?

A major source of global air pollution is the burning of charcoal and wood for cooking and heating in underdeveloped countries.

The major source of air pollution in developing countries can vary, but a common source is the burning of fossil fuels for energy production, transportation, and industrial activities. To get more information about the major sources of air pollution in developing countries, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on a reliable search engine like Google.

2. Enter a query like "major sources of air pollution in developing countries" or "leading causes of air pollution in developing countries."

3. Look for information from trustworthy sources such as government reports, international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), or reputable research institutions.

4. Read through the search results and click on relevant links to gather information on specific sources of air pollution in developing countries.

5. Pay attention to factors such as industrial emissions, household cooking and heating practices, vehicle exhaust, and agricultural activities, as these are often mentioned as significant contributors to air pollution in such regions.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find and cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.