I don't understand what this question is asking: Which digits are in the ones place of a number multiplied by 5?

a.0 or 1
b.0 or 5
c.2 or 4
d.2 or 5

Can someone explain what this question is asking, the answer, and why?

5 * 1 = 5

5 * 2 = 10
5 * 3 = 15
5 * 4 = 20
5 * 1001 = 5,005
When you multiply any number by 5, what two numbers will be the last digit?

Makes sense now. Thank you!

The question is asking about the digits that can appear in the ones place (rightmost place) of a number when it is multiplied by 5. To determine the answer, we need to understand how multiplication works.

When any number is multiplied by 5, the ones digit of the result will be either 0 or 5. This is because any number that ends in 0 (such as 10, 20, 30, etc.) when multiplied by 5 will still end in 0. Similarly, any number that ends in 5 (such as 15, 25, 35, etc.) when multiplied by 5 will also end in 5.

Given this information, we can see that the answer to the question is:

b. 0 or 5

The other answer choices are incorrect because 2 and 4 are not digits that can appear in the ones place of a number when multiplied by 5.