6. classical mechanics depends heavily on

A. quantum leaps
B. ancient theories
C. general observations *
D. mathematical solutions
7. a virus is a parasite because
A. it hunts its prey *
B. it only impacts plants
C. it lives of other organisms
D. it is the smallest creature in the ecosystem

ok bobpursley if thats not the answer than what is

6. Classical mechanics depends heavily on: C. general observations

Explanation: Classical mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of bodies under the influence of forces. It is based on the general observations and experimental evidence gathered from studying the motion of various objects in the world. The principles of classical mechanics were first formulated by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century and have been extensively verified and tested through observations and experiments.

7. A virus is a parasite because: C. it lives off other organisms

Explanation: A virus is considered a parasite because it relies on living organisms, known as host cells, to survive and reproduce. Viruses cannot carry out the necessary functions for survival on their own and instead hijack the cellular machinery of their host organisms to replicate themselves. They invade host cells, take control of their cellular processes, and use the host's resources to produce more viruses. This dependence on other organisms for survival and reproduction is why viruses are classified as parasites.

6. To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand what classical mechanics is and what it relies on.

Classical mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of objects under the action of forces. It was initially developed by physicists such as Isaac Newton and is still widely used in many areas of science and engineering.

Now, let's evaluate the options:

A. Quantum leaps: Classical mechanics does not rely on quantum physics concepts like quantum leaps.

B. Ancient theories: While classical mechanics builds upon the work of previous physicists, it is not directly dependent on ancient theories.

C. General observations: This option seems most likely to be correct because classical mechanics is based on general observations of the physical world. It is formulated using principles like Newton's laws of motion, which are derived from careful observations and experiments.

D. Mathematical solutions: Mathematical equations and solutions are indeed crucial in classical mechanics, but they are a means to describe and explain the observed phenomena rather than a fundamental dependence.

Thus, the correct answer is C. General observations.

7. To identify why a virus is considered a parasite, we need to understand the definition and characteristics of parasites.

A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and obtains resources at the expense of the host. It relies on the host for its survival and reproduction.

Now, let's analyze the options:

A. It hunts its prey: This statement is incorrect because viruses do not actively hunt or prey on other organisms.

B. It only impacts plants: Viruses can impact both plants and animals, so this statement is too restrictive.

C. It lives off other organisms: This option correctly describes the parasitic relationship of viruses. Viruses infect host cells, hijacking their cellular machinery to replicate and produce new viruses. In doing so, they utilize the host's resources for their own survival and reproduction.

D. It is the smallest creature in the ecosystem: While viruses are indeed small, their size alone does not define their parasitic nature.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. It lives off other organisms.

no on 6.

no on 7.