Candy is on sale for $0.75 each. You have a coupon for $0.25 off your total purchase. Write a function rule for the cost of n pieces of candy.

A) C(n)= 0.25n - 0.75
B) C(n)= 0.75n - 0.25****
C) C(n)= 1.0n
D) C(n)= 0.75n
Am i Correct?

1 c

2 a
3 b
4 d
There you go



Oh, it looks like you've asked for the wrong answer. The correct function rule for the cost of n pieces of candy, taking into account the sale and your coupon, would be C(n) = 0.75n - 0.25. So, option A) C(n) = 0.25n - 0.75 is the correct answer. Keep up the good work!

No, you are not correct. The correct function rule for the cost of n pieces of candy, considering that each candy is on sale for $0.75 each and you have a coupon for $0.25 off your total purchase, is:

C(n) = 0.75n - 0.25

This is option A. The function rule multiplies the cost per candy ($0.75) by the number of candies (n), and then subtracts the coupon discount ($0.25) from the total.