Write an essay in which discuss the attitudes of different British poets to the perils of war. Please I need help asap before 11pm!!

Both poets were writing about soldiers and war during World War I (1914-1918).

Were they ...
... promoting the war?
... protesting the war?
... glorifying war and soldiers in general?
... praising the soldiers while abhorring war?
... emphasizing how sad it was that there were wars at all?
... or what?

PS - On this website, posting any question with a time limit is usually a very poor idea. There's no way to tell if the tutor(s) you need are online at any particular time. In addition, waiting until the last minute to do your assignments is also a poor idea, in general! Please post in plenty of time in the future.

Writing an essay on the attitudes of different British poets towards the perils of war can be approached in several steps. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you complete your essay before 11 pm:

1. Research and gather information: Start by researching British poets who have written about war and look for their poems. Some notable poets to consider include Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Rupert Brooke, and W.B. Yeats. Read their poems and take notes on their perspectives, attitudes, and experiences of war.

2. Understand the theme: Familiarize yourself with the perils of war and the various aspects that poets might address, such as the horrors, costs, futility, patriotism, bravery, or the impact on society. Make note of any recurring themes or symbols used in the poems you are analyzing.

3. Organize your essay: Structure your essay by dividing it into sections for each poet or poem you want to analyze. Each section can contain an introduction to the poet, an overview of their attitudes towards war, analysis of specific poems, and concluding remarks.

4. Introduction: Begin your essay with a brief introduction that provides background information on the poets, the time periods they wrote in, and the overall context of war during those periods. Clearly state your thesis or argument that will guide your entire essay.

5. Analyze individual poems: Once you have a clear structure, start analyzing each poem and highlight the specific attitudes towards war expressed by each poet. Look for evidence in the form of phrases, techniques, or recurring motifs that indicate their perspective. Quote specific lines or stanzas to support your analysis.

6. Provide contextual information: Contextualize the poems within the time they were written. Discuss the historical events, wars, or social movements that may have influenced the poets' attitudes towards war.

7. Compare and contrast: Identify similarities and differences between the poems and poets you are analyzing. Look for common themes, contrasting viewpoints, or unique approaches to convey the perils of war.

8. Conclusion: In your conclusion, summarize the main points made in each section, emphasizing the overall attitudes towards war and the impact of these attitudes on their poetry. You can also discuss the poets' contributions to the broader discourse on war.

9. Revision and proofreading: After completing your essay, take some time to revise and proofread it. Check for clarity, coherence, grammar, and punctuation errors. Ensure that your arguments are well-supported and your analysis is clear.

By following these steps, you can write a well-structured essay that analyzes the various attitudes of different British poets towards the perils of war. Remember to allocate sufficient time for each step, considering the deadline you have. Good luck!

The poems of The Soldier by Rupert Brooke and Dreamers by Siegfried Sassoon and i need help writing about the attitudes of different points of view of the poets

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Well -- it's 11 p.m. -- so it's too late.