Jeremy collected nickels for one week. He is making a stacks of his nickels to determine how many he has. The thickness of one nickel is 1/4 inches

How tall is a stack of 4 nickels

A stack of 4 nickels is 1 inch.

1/4 of an inch is equal to one nickel, so multiply 1/4 by 4 to get 1.

To determine how many nickels Jeremy has, we need to know the height or thickness of the stacks of nickels he is creating. You mentioned that the thickness of one nickel is 1/4 inches.

Let's assume that Jeremy wants to stack his nickels vertically, so the height of the stack represents the number of nickels he has. In that case, we can calculate the number of nickels by dividing the total height of the stack by the thickness of one nickel.

Here's the formula:

Number of nickels = Total height of the stack / Thickness of one nickel

Now, if you provide the total height of Jeremy's stack in inches, we can calculate how many nickels he has.