Which of these would be a likely German response to the Treaty of Versailles? A.

Germany would be angry about the treaty's details. B.
Germany would be hopeful about the League of Nations. C.
Germany would be excited to enter a time of peace. D.
Germany would be accepting about losing territory.
I think Germany would be angry

World War I and the Russian Revolution Quick Check answers:

1:Rising tensions among European powers


Answers in 2021:

1) Rising Tensions
2) A
3) C
4) B

This is for pears0n students

bruh rat your on the wrong lesson this isnt the one that has the right answers

it a, c,d

since most of us is connexus

Muck is correct

Still right 2023!

To determine a likely German response to the Treaty of Versailles, we can analyze the historical context and the terms of the treaty. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 at the end of World War I and imposed significant political, economic, and territorial restrictions on Germany. The treaty placed full blame for the war on Germany and its allies, imposed massive reparations payments, reduced Germany's military strength, and forced Germany to relinquish significant territories.

Given these harsh terms, it is reasonable to conclude that Germany would indeed be angry about the treaty's details. The treaty imposed substantial economic burdens on Germany and was seen by many Germans as humiliating and unfair. The anger and resentment generated by the Treaty of Versailles played a significant role in the subsequent rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Therefore, option A, "Germany would be angry about the treaty's details" is a likely German response to the Treaty of Versailles.


The German delegates were presented with a fait accompli. They were shocked at the severity of the terms and protested the contradictions between the assurances made when the armistice was negotiated and the actual treaty. Accepting the “war guilt” clause and the reparation terms were especially odious to them.

I agree with you.

This is good to know! However, please note that the correct answers for any quiz or test may change over time based on updates to the curriculum, so it's always best to double-check with your teacher or instructor.