6. After much thought and consideration, Chloe has decided to live with her grandmother this summer in order to be closer to a dance school that she wants to attend. What is this an example of?

a. A solution****
b. A problem
c. Advice
d. Challenge

7. Phueng has a goal to learn French. She feels that it will help her when she travels to Quebec in the summer. What part of the SMART goal does this relate to?
a. Time-limited
b. Relevant
c. Specific****
d. Measurable

8. Which of the following is NOT true of values
a. They help you figure out who you are
b. They help shape your perception of events
c. They change as you experience new things
d. They should be the same as your friends’ values****

9. Cruz has always wanted to ride a Harley motorcycle. He has been invited to go riding with a friend this weekend. What is this an example of?
a. Consequence
b. Choice
c. Option
d. Opportunity****

10. What step in the decision-making process has you analyze your options and their outcomes?
a. Define the problem
b. Gather information
c. Weigh and compare solutions****
d. Make a plan of action

The answer to 7 is actually relevant.

6. a. A solution - Chloe deciding to live with her grandmother is a solution to be closer to the dance school she wants to attend.

7. c. Specific - Phueng's goal of learning French is specific.

8. d. They should be the same as your friends' values - This statement is NOT true of values. Everyone has their own individual values.

9. d. Opportunity - Cruz being invited to go riding with his friend is an example of an opportunity.

10. c. Weigh and compare solutions - Analyzing options and their outcomes is a step in weighing and comparing solutions in the decision-making process.

6. a. A solution

7. c. Specific
8. d. They should be the same as your friends' values
9. d. Opportunity
10. c. Weigh and compare solutions

6. The answer is a. A solution. This is an example of Chloe finding a solution to the problem of wanting to attend a dance school by living with her grandmother in order to be closer to the school.

7. The answer is c. Specific. This relates to the specificity of Phueng's goal to learn French, as it is clearly defined and focused on a particular language.

8. The answer is d. They should be the same as your friends' values. Values are personal beliefs and principles that guide our behavior and decisions. They are subjective and can vary from person to person, so they do not need to be the same as those of one's friends.

9. The answer is d. Opportunity. This is an example of an opportunity that Cruz has to fulfill his desire of riding a Harley motorcycle.

10. The answer is c. Weigh and compare solutions. This step involves analyzing the different options available to you and considering the potential outcomes or consequences of each option before making a decision.

I agree with your answers.