can you tell me if this question and answer are correct:

1. Est-ce qu'il te faut un stylo?
Ans: Oui, il m'en faut un

I am probably wrong, but I would have asked:

"Est-ce que tu as besoin d'un stylo"?


"Oui,j'en ai besoin"
At least, that's the way I would say it.

It's also a good question: Are you lacking = do you need = Est-ce qu'il te faut un stylo? Oui, il m'en faut un.

falloir = an impersonal verb meaning "to be necessary"

Sra (aka Mme)

P.S. You are both right!

Yes, the question and answer are correct.

To understand why, let's break it down:

Question: Est-ce qu'il te faut un stylo?
Translation: Do you need a pen?

To answer this question, the response is:
Answer: Oui, il m'en faut un.
Translation: Yes, I need one. (literally, "Yes, I need one of them.")

In the answer, "il" refers to the pen, "m'en" is a combination of the pronouns "me" (to me) and "en" (of it), and "faut" means "need." So the literal translation of the answer is "Yes, it is needed by me."

Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!