You have 2 2/3 cups of dried fruit to divide evenly among three children. How many cups of fruit will each child receive?

A. 7/9 CUPS
B. 9/7 CUPS
C. 8/9 CUPS
D. 9/8 CUPS

(8/3) / 3 = (8/3) * (1/3) = 8/9 = 1 1/9

It's 8/9

yup correct oobleck

To divide the 2 2/3 cups of dried fruit evenly among three children, you need to find the quotient when you divide the total amount of dried fruit by the number of children.

To calculate the quotient, you can convert the mixed number 2 2/3 to an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator (3) and then add the numerator (2). This gives you a numerator of 8. The denominator remains the same (3). So, 2 2/3 can be written as an improper fraction as 8/3.

Now, divide 8/3 by 3 (number of children):
8/3 ÷ 3 = 8/3 x 1/3 = (8 x 1) / (3 x 3) = 8/9

Therefore, each child will receive 8/9 cups of dried fruit.

The correct answer is C. 8/9 CUPS.

8/9 is correct, but 8/9 ≠ 1 1/9 !!!

1 1/9 = 10/9