1. List the key issues which led to the Civil War.

2. Describe the South's view pertaining to states' rights.

3. What problems could happen with a state or states choosing not to follow federal law (Nullification)?

4. What are some of the different hardships suffered between Northern and Southern Soldiers during the Civil War? List some of the same hardships.

Plz help I need this in like 30 minutes !!!!!!

It is not a test it is a study guide. And I need help, I'm not looking for answers I'm looking for explanations

1. The key issues that led to the Civil War were primarily related to slavery and the growing divide between the Northern and Southern states.

To answer this question, you can gather the information through various sources such as textbooks, historical books, online articles, or academic databases. To get the key issues, a good approach would be to search for information on the causes of the Civil War and look for common themes and events that historians typically identify. Some of the key issues you can mention are:

- Slavery: The institution of slavery was a major point of contention between the Northern and Southern states. The North wanted to abolish slavery, while the South relied on slave labor for its economy and sought to preserve it.
- Economic Differences: The North's industrial economy contrasted with the agrarian economy of the South, leading to disparities in wealth and economic power.
- Tariffs and Trade: Disagreements arose over tariffs, with the North favoring protective tariffs to promote domestic manufacturing, while the South preferred free trade as it relied heavily on exporting agricultural products.
- States' Rights: The Southern states emphasized the idea of states' rights, arguing that states had the right to nullify or ignore federal laws that they believed infringed upon their sovereignty, including the ability to secede from the Union.

2. The South's view pertaining to states' rights was that they believed that each state had the right to govern itself and make its own decisions without excessive interference from the federal government. They advocated for strong state governments and limited federal power.

To understand the South's view on states' rights, you can consult primary sources such as the speeches, writings, and declarations of Southern politicians and officials from that era. Look for statements made by prominent figures like John C. Calhoun or Alexander Stephens, who were influential advocates for states' rights in the South during the 19th century. Analyze their arguments and reasoning behind their support for states' rights.

3. If a state or states chose not to follow federal law (Nullification), several problems could arise:

- Constitutional Crisis: Nullification challenges the authority of the federal government and undermines the supremacy of the Constitution. It can lead to a breakdown in the rule of law and create a constitutional crisis, as the federal government may need to use legal or coercive measures to enforce its laws in that state.
- Disunity and Fragmentation: Nullification can also lead to disunity within a country or a state, as it undermines the idea of a unified nation under a federal government. It can potentially encourage other states or groups to also challenge the supremacy of federal law, leading to fragmentation and instability.
- Economic Impact: Nullification can have economic consequences, as it may result in trade disruptions or retaliatory measures by the federal government. If a state refuses to follow federal trade laws, for example, there could be tariffs or trade sanctions imposed by other states or countries, adversely affecting the state's economy.
- Inconsistent Application of Laws: Nullification can lead to inconsistencies in the application of laws, as different states may have contrasting interpretations of what is constitutional or acceptable. This can create confusion and legal ambiguities.

4. Both Northern and Southern soldiers faced numerous hardships during the Civil War. Some of the common difficulties experienced by soldiers on both sides include:

- Physical Hardships: Soldiers had to endure harsh living conditions, such as exposure to extreme weather, lack of proper clothing, and limited access to food and clean water. They often lived in primitive campgrounds and faced unsanitary conditions that increased the risk of diseases.
- Combat and Injuries: Soldiers faced the dangers of combat, including the risk of injury or death. They were often exposed to gunfire, artillery, and hand-to-hand combat, resulting in severe injuries, amputations, and disabilities. The lack of effective medical care further compounded their hardships.
- Psychological Strain: War inflicted considerable psychological strain on soldiers. Many soldiers experienced trauma, homesickness, fear, and mental exhaustion. The constant exposure to violence and the witnessing of fellow soldiers' suffering took a toll on their mental well-being.
- Long Separations: Soldiers were separated from their families for extended periods, causing emotional distress and anxiety. They faced the challenges of being in unfamiliar surroundings and dealing with the uncertainties of war.
- Post-War Challenges: After the war, soldiers faced the challenge of reintegrating into society. This included finding employment, dealing with physical disabilities, and coping with the emotional scars of war.

To gather information on the hardships faced by Northern and Southern soldiers, you can refer to first-person accounts, diaries, letters, or memoirs written by soldiers who fought in the Civil War. Additionally, you can explore historical sources, scholarly articles, and online archives related to the experiences of soldiers during that time.

Study guides don't usually have time limits.

Besides each of your questions demands several sentences to answer.

We don't give test answers. You're supposed to have learned this information before taking the test.