5. Describe the two types of traits and how they are acquired.

Two example traits would be eye color and hair color which are genetically acquired from parents.

Two types of traits are inherited traits and acquired traits.

1. Inherited traits: These are the characteristics that are passed down from parents to offspring through genetic material (DNA). Inherited traits are determined by the combination of genes inherited from both biological parents. They are often present at birth or develop shortly after. Examples of inherited traits include eye color, hair color, height, and certain genetic disorders. Inherited traits are acquired through the process of reproduction.

2. Acquired traits: These are traits that are not determined by an individual's genetic makeup and are not inherited from parents. Acquired traits are usually developed during an individual's lifetime as a result of their interaction with the environment or through personal experiences. They can be influenced by factors such as education, exposure to certain environments, diet, lifestyle choices, and learned behaviors. Examples of acquired traits include language skills, playing a musical instrument, learning to ride a bicycle, and gaining knowledge through education. Acquired traits are acquired through the process of learning and personal development.

It is important to note that while some traits may be primarily inherited or acquired, many traits are influenced by a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. Understanding the distinction between inherited and acquired traits helps us appreciate the complex interplay between genetics and the environment in shaping an individual's characteristics.