The length of a puppy on a scale drawing is 6 cm. If the scale is 1:9 cm, what is the actual length of the puppy?

1. 14 cm

2. 54 cm

3. 48 cm

4. 15 cm

Please help me!!


These are the correct answers.

The answer is 54!

I don't get any of this pls help

connexus kid is correct

Read the name

What is 6*9 ?

the one above me is correct

firm noice

To find the actual length of the puppy, we need to use the scale ratio given in the problem. The scale 1:9 cm means that for every 1 cm on the scale drawing, it represents 9 cm in real life.

Since the length of the puppy on the scale drawing is given as 6 cm, we can set up a proportion to find the actual length of the puppy:

Scale Drawing Length / Scale Ratio = Actual Length

6 cm / 1 cm : 9 cm = Actual Length

Now we can solve for the actual length of the puppy:

6 cm / 1 cm = Actual Length / 9 cm

Cross-multiplying, we get:

6 cm * 9 cm = 1 cm * Actual Length

54 cm = Actual Length

Therefore, the actual length of the puppy is 54 cm. So, the correct answer is option 2: 54 cm.